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Political navigation with Tom Fish

Political navigation with Tom Fish


Tom Fish (@ThomasDFish on Twitter, @guerillero on Wikipedia and elsewhere) and I go way back. In addition to being one of the earliest active members of the Neoliberal Project, he has also worked as a high-level Wikipedia administrator and as a public health cartographer. He’s the kind of guy you want to talk to if - like me - you have a nagging desire to know the travel time to an urban area from any given point in North America, as demonstrated in the map above. He also recently won election to the inaugural chairship of the Neoliberal Project Steering Committee, where he’ll be leading the org’s.

We talk about the state and direction of the Project, the potential paths to policy influence presented by the incoming Biden administration, and much more. This episode focuses mostly on politics, we’ve decided to do a deep dive on Wikipedia at a later date.

This was recorded on February 2nd. The audio is a bit washed out on this one, we had some microphone problems, but it’s still very listenable and the content is excellent. Enjoy!

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Pun intended